NEW!! MACE, DOUG, FATTY IOWA, IOWAGOLD.NET, KCO GOLD PAGES; NEW!! CLICK HERE FOR MACE IOWA PAGES NEW!! CLICK HERE FOR DOUG IOWA'S PAGES NEW!! CLICK HERE FOR FATTY IOWA'S PAGES NEW!! CLICK HERE FOR IOWAGOLD.NET'S PAGES HERE IS WHAT THE IOWA GOLD LOOKS LIKE; August 13, 2001 NOTE THE STUFF IS REAL SMALL!! YES WE DREDGE THE SMALL STUFF HERE!! HERE IS A PIX OF THE IOWA GANG; Gang, heres our group of Iowa detectorist... l-r: Kco or www.iowagold.net (the webmaster and owner of this site), Doug-iowa, Mace, Fatty & Curtis, We had a great day and even found a few goodies!!